You seem set to me, though something like Guitar Rig can be a great multieffects processor for modular style effects chains. If you really want to go full bore, MXXX.Building a new DAW here next week and looking to see if there's anything I'm really missing. I'm mainly interested in delays and multi-effects processors. Not interested in compressors, EQ's, distortion, and 'manglers'. What I currently have is -Planning on grabbing the Valhalla stuff as well shortly. Also patiently waiting for Relab VSR Rev6000. Used to own a TC Reverb 4000, but the ticking timebomb of the power supply turned me off, and sold it. Most transparent reverb I've ever owned; loved it.
- Eventide/NewFangled Audio Bundles
Izotope Music Production Suite 5.2/Exponential Audio Suite
SoundToys 5.3 Bundle
50+ UAD plugins
Relab LX-480 Essentials
Anything else in that caliber of quality that's a must have?
Statistics: Posted by zerocrossing — Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:14 am