I'm out of the loop - what Adobe debacle?After the big Adobe debacle this summer, I feel the rose-tinted glasses of subscriptions have come off and lots of people have woken up to the problematic side of subscriptions, especially greed and updates and features no-one ever asked for.
I don't think music makers have ever had rose-tinted specs of subs. The big thing that changed in our industry was the Waves debacle, not an Adobe one. That was the definitive end of any push by devs to force a switch. Waves thus did forums a service by ending the entire argument once and for all. Admittedly there was that curious coda by Minimal, as if someone needed to be ABSOLUTELY sure the whole thing was dead and buried and unsurprisingly proved that yes it was.
(As everyone else says, subs as an option as NI are doing here is perfectly fine.)
Statistics: Posted by noiseboyuk — Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:30 am