All prices include transfer & PayPal fees.
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KnobCloud feedback
For Sale:
Arturia Matrix 12 V2 £27
Arturia Rev LX-24 £27
Audiomodern (account takeover) Chordjam / Freezr / Loopmix / Playbeat / Riffer £68
Cherry Audio (account takeover) CA2600 / CR-78 / Dreamsynth / Eight Voice / GX80 / Lowdown / Mercury 4 / Polymode £94
D16 LuSH 101 (not upgradable to v2) £22
D16 Sigmund 2 £42
Erica Synths Zen Delay £58
Native Instruments Effects Series - Mod Pack (Choral / Flair / Phasis) £16
Native Instruments Monark £22
Native Instruments Reaktor 5 £32
Plugin Boutique Carbon Electra + Neon Synthwave Expansion Pack £16
Rob Papen eXplorer-9 £175
Sample Logic (account takeover) Animation Station 2 / Realms £68
Sinevibes Droplet £13
Sinevibes Luminance £19
Softube Model 84 £53
Softube Tape Echoes £37
u-he Bazille £68
Wave Alchemy Triaz £68
Waves (account takeover) Berzerk Distortion / Brauer Motion / CLA Bass / CR8 Creative Sampler / Element 2 / Flow Motion / H Comp / H Delay / H Reverb / JJP Strings & Keys / Kaleidoscopes / L316 Multimaximizer / Lofi Space / Manny Marroquin Delay / MaxxVolume / MetaFilter / Non-Linear Summer / OneKnob Driver / OneKnob Wetter / Renaissance Reverb / Renaissance Vox / S1 Stereo Imager / Scheps Parallel Particles / SoundShifter / Sibilance / Silk Vocal / Smack Attack / SuperTap / Trans X / TrueVerb £53
Xils Lab 505 £53
Xils Lab PolyM £53
Zynaptiq Adaptiverb £73
Unregistered and other cheap items. Anything £6 can be had for free with any purchase:
AAS Ultra Analog Session 2 £6
AIR Bassline £11
AIR Drum Synth £11
Audio Blast AcidBox v2 £11
AudioThing Frostbite 2 £11
Caelum Audio Choric Quartet £6
IK Multimedia (account takeover) Syntronik Bully / Orchestral Percussion / T-RackS Comprexxor £11
Initial Audio (account takeover) Sektor £6
Lunacy Audio Cube Mini £6
Minimal Audio Hybrid Filter £11
Minimal Audio Rift Filter Lite £6
Minimal Audio Rift Feedback Lite £6
Motion: Harmonic Lite £6
Native Instruments Guitar Rig 7 LE £6 / Hybrid Keys £6 / Super 8 £11
Newfangled Audio EQuivocate £11
Plugin Alliance (activation fees still required for the buyer) Bettermaker EQ232D £11 / Brainworx bx oberhausen £6 / Brainworx bx refinement £6 / Knif Audio Knifonium £11 / Knif Audio Soma £11 / Unfiltered Audio Sandman Pro £6
UnitedPlugins FireMaster £11
UAD Verve Analog Machines Essentials £6
UVI Digital Synsations £11
W.A. Production Heat 2 £6
iLok stuff that I don't need. Pay whatever you want for them, on top of the iLok & PayPal fee. Or, take them for free if you buy any other 2 iLok items together.
AIR Creative FX Collection
AIR Hybrid 3
AIR Drumsynth 500
Softube Dirty Tape
Softube Drawmer S73
Softube VCA Compressor
Sonivox SuperSynths bundle (Twist / Vocalizer Pro / Wobble)
Statistics: Posted by Choikdoi — Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:50 am