Where should I start?

The context of his arguments where "real music production". So no, nothing I said is assumed. I may have exaggerated my wording a bit, as I could have used the word "better" as well. Better, in the context of "real music production". Whatever that means.You assumed that Yorrr claims that Live is superior to Bitwig because it's more popular.
Again no assumption, in the context of "real music production". If you follow Yorrr's arguments then you will automatically be guided to Ableton, but only if you want to produce "real music". If you like sound design and tinkering you should go to Bitwig. Everyone serious about "real music production" should go to Ableton. That's what an exclusive option means.You assumed that he "presents Ableton Live and Bitwig as mutually exclusive options, implying that one must be superior to the other".
I think you are focussing on the wrong aspect here. He's explicitly mentioning "real" music production. That's a "No true Scotsman" fallacy by definition.You assumed that he "implies that "real music production, live performances, and pro work" are only associated with Ableton Live and other established DAWs".
We don't. It might, or might not be a deciding factor for someone.And I also don't think we have to discuss that Live is the vastly more used option.
"For a reason" arguments are so weak. Especially combined with "usually". Making it possible to weasel out of everything. Is not even saying anything either, so well done.Which usually is for a reason.
Statistics: Posted by muzicxs — Fri Mar 29, 2024 1:02 pm